Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Another Day of Waiting Around

This time we got loaded at Morning Star packing plant in the pre-dawn light, and were on the road to LA as the sun was coming up, only to find out that we wouldn't be able to unload until 4pm at the earliest. This when we could be there by 1pm, easy.
Well, that put a crimp in our plans for getting reloaded today, too, but there was little to be done about it. We just took our time, looking for possible reloads and not stressing in LA traffic. When we got to Golden State Foods, we missed our entrance, but knew there was another around the back side. We checked in at the gatehouse, and the guard said "Your appointment isn't until 6pm, I'll call you."
So we parked near the entrance and waited, looking for reloads and watching episodes of Deep Space Nine on the DVD player.
We finally got the load we have been waiting for to stretch our wings - we are going to North Carolina! And we found a load out of LA that will get us near the place we are loading for that trip. It was nice, for a change. The computers were accessing the Internet, the printer was hooked up and working, ah! At last.
Around 5pm we started thinking about getting unloaded, so we got positioned to turn into the gate, anticipating the guard's call. Collin decided to check in, just in case there had been a shift change, and guess what? There was a new guard, and HE said "Oh, you should have been at the other gate. You could have backed in and unloaded already." What a pain!
So we drove around the block and assessed the driveway situation. One of the reasons we had missed it earlier was that it was on a very busy street - and now we had to back in? I checked with the guard and told him our story, and he was sympahetic, and let us come in ahead of a bunch of trucks that were stacking up, and he didn't make us back in from the busy street.
We finally got unloaded, and then drove to romantic (not!) Long Beach where we spent the night waiting for our load out in the morning.
Buddy the Sled Dog?

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