Friday, November 19, 2010

Homeward Bound

Sunset over Iowa

Driving across Nebraska and Wyoming we encountered high winds and icy temperatures. There was no precipitation, so we didn't encounter any nasty ice, but in the dark it is hard to know if there is or isn't any ice, so we slowed down some to be sure.
Sunset over Iowa

We hit Utah right at daybreak, and so were able to speed up once we cleared the mountains. High winds continued to buffet us around a bit, but the nice thing about our load is that it is heavy enough to hold us down, and it is low and not a solid wall of material - in other words, the wind could go through it enough to mitigate the buffeting.

Iowa Randomness
By the time we got to Reno, we were really noticing storm clouds to the west. Sure enough, between Reno and Susanville, it started to snow. We were doing all right, but decided to chain up anyway - we happened to be at the Bogard Rest Area on Hwy 44, that one I was waxing poetical over a few weeks ago. We drove over the summit, and the roads were clearing off. We stopped and had some cup-o-noodle soup while we decided whether to push on (which meant taking off the chains) or wait until morning to see if we would need to be chained by then. We opted to take the chains off and push through, and arrived at our destination without having to chain again. We parked just outside their gate, and went to bed.

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