Monday, August 2, 2010

Collin's trip from Mine to Mine

As part of an experimental trip out of our 'normal' stomping grounds, Collin took a trip out to Nebraska a week or so ago.  The trip out was pretty routine, with no hitches.  But getting him loads back was a bit of a challenge, and ended up being several legs back. 
Mining Carts in the middle, scoop buckets in front, locomotive in back.

The most interesting of these was a load of mining carts being taken from the Caribou Mine in Nederland, Colorado to the Darwin Mine in Darwin, California. 

The carts took forever to load and strap down to keep them from rolling off the trailer. (I still wonder, even after seeing the pictures, if it wouldn't have been smarter to load them upside down...)

The Road to Caribou Mine
If you can find it on a map, Nederland is to the NW of Denver - way up in the mountains via a gravel road. 
More of the Road to Caribou Mine
Collin adjusted his brakes before the long descent, so it was uneventful, although he had to go down the hill in 2nd gear, with his jake brakes on the whole way.  He offers his apologies to the neighbors, but I figure his jakes are quieter than any rescue helicopters that would have had to come to fish him out of the ravine had he not used them.

Outside Death Valley, California
Darwin is on the west side of the center of Death Valley.  The forecast for Death Valley the day Collin was there was *only* 101 degrees - which I understand is exceptionally low for July.